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New equipment has arrived!
Device for measuring the magnetic nanoparticle heating and magnetic hyperthermia
magneThermTM DS 2 (nanoTherics) with accessories
A device that enables the measurement of magnetic nanoparticle heating of magnetic fluids and in vitro (for measuring the effect of magnetic nanoparticle heating on cells), with software and necessary additional equipment. Overall price of the instrument with Grant LT ecocool 150 R refrigerated and heating bath circulator with vertical pump Grant VTP2-LT = 57,368.75 EUR + 5,958.75 EUR = 63,327.50 EUR
funded by Croatian Science Foundation,
within the Research Project IP-2022-10-3687
New equipment!
Refrigerated Circulating Bath Grant LT ecocool 150 R with vertical pump Grant VTP2-LT

Grant LT ecocool 150 R
Temperature range: -30 C do 150 C
Temperature stability: 0.02 C
Grant VTP2-LT pump
Maximum pressure: 1650 mbar
Maximum flow: 12 L/min
funded by Croatian Science Foundation,
within the Research Project IP-2022-10-3687

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